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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

fb spawned the institute

A lot to be said about that Mormon thing.  To me the most interesting is the role of prophecy.  Of course their religion is due to those golden tablets, but more prophecies kept coming and finally they had to call an end to prophecy just to keep the big dogs in power.  I believe there was one more prophecy, the one against polygamy, and then maybe one more to be nicer to blacks, in order that they could get along with everybody. 

Meanwhile some of them didn't go along with the polygamy thing and they live in the hills with those harems of long-skirted babes that you see in those shows on the lesser cable stations.  Others just keep on having prophecies, like maybe it is ok to drink or smoke and wouldn't a cup of joe hit the spot with Jesus?

Then there is that thing with the goofy underwear which frankly the less I know about the happier I am.

Lot of jokes around here since we expanded our experts.  I like it.  I'm not much of a teller of jokes myself, you have to slide in the punchline just so, and I never get it quite right.  There is a joke there, but I am going to leave it. 

There's a guy at the Ten Cat, one of the pool players, who can do that, just tell one joke after the other, and I've run into people like that before.  They have like a whole routine in their head and they just trot out one joke after another.

Without facebook there wouldn't be any Institute.  When we walked off the Gage Park stage with our diplomas I never saw Beagles again, didn't even know he had become Beagles.  He went off to serve his country by protecting the Krauts from the Russkies and I went off to a land where I could drink beer with just a student ID.

Maybe ten years later his sister started waitressing at the House of Chin where i was bartending.  We hung around in the same group.  Her husband played softball on the same team as me, but when I left Champaign in 1984 I never saw her again.

Maybe thirty years later I joined fb and all of a sudden here were all these people who I hadn't seen in thirty, maybe forty years, among them Sister Sue.  And then one day i got to thinking about Beagles and I asked her about him and she said well here is his email, and there you are.

I wonder if Old Dog, though not a fber can access fb pages.

I think this whole thing about Putin trying to torpedo the big girl is just too far-fetched.  I'm embarrassed that my fellow dems are pushing it. 

So Trump had that plagiarism thing, that Lyin Ted thing, that Trump crazy harangue thing and all the pundits were clicking their tongues.  Have you ever seen such a poorly run convention.  And now he has a bounce and he is leading the big girl.  After that shameful display of the spoiled-baby Bernie babies, the pundits all seemed to agree that Bernie had made the speech that healed the wounds, though  I heard that just before I fell off to sleep.

Having some Hoosiers over today and tomorrow, two Cubs/Sox games, so I probably won't be posting again until Thursday or Friday.

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