These little strolls down memory lane have become distracting and a whole bunch of random thoughts keep bubbling up...Winky Dink! Mary Hartline (Super Circus)! Housecalls by doctors! Mailmen carrying big leather bags! Toy pistols with those red rolls of caps! Lik-M-Ade! Wax lips!
Arggh...time to let it go. Too bad that kids these days will never enjoy the sublime pleasure of going on a date with their sweetie snuggled next to them on a bench seatbelts, y'know.
The Merchandise Mart is still there, going strong. Fun place to wander around in, looking at all the showrooms. If you have a business/retail license and a gift of gab you can look at the stuff up close. I've always enjoyed the busts of businessmen on the pedestals that look like giant Pez dispensers.
While reviewing previous Institute posts, I noticed that one topic (of many) was a "draw", one Yea, one Nay, and that is gun control. Actions of the past week have forced my hand and I have to chime in, but I won't change anyone's mind...I'm still torn.
I personally don't mind anyone having a properly licensed & registered firearm, but just don't shoot me, okay? And make sure it's locked up tight so some curious kid doesn't play with it or some relative of questionable behavior wants to "borrow" it.
If you live in stable area you have no need for any firearm for personal protection. Maybe it will give you peace of mind, but I read that 65% of firearm deaths are suicides, so you gotta wonder if there is any screening for poor impulse control.
I'm not sure if people are getting crazier or if media attention makes it appear that way. It's not news when folks are just getting along and living normal lives. The "normals" aren't outnumbered by the crazies, yet.
It will be interesting to see how the presumptive nominees of both parties will be spinning these issues of public safety. Less than two weeks until the possible chaos in Cleveland; get your popcorn ready.
Is 2016 a make it or break it time for the good ol' U.S. of A? The fact that issues are being confronted and discussed should give me a bit of optimism but I fear that too few are being reasonable.
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