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Thursday, July 21, 2016

wednesday night in ohio

If you think the country would be equally bad off with either candidate elected then the third party is where you ought to be.  I suppose it's a way of sending a message to the parties.  But if you hate both candidates but think one may be slightly less evil than the other one, then you should vote for the lesser evil.

Which I think will be the slogan for this campaign for both candidates.  Hilary Clinton the lesser evil Donald Trump the lesser evil.  Well they won't be actually calling themselves lesser evils they will be calling their opponent the greater evil.

That's certainly what was going on with the repubs last night.  Talk about bouncing the rubble.  How many ways can you call the big girl the devil incarnate?  Not that many but it is something that the crowd in Cleveland never gets tired of hearing,  like a six year old with a Disney dvd.  As the pundits said (punditted), mentions of the big girl were ten times more common than for Carrot Top.  Except for his kids.  Last post I called then a nest of vipers which isn't really accurate, if they were vipers they would be turning on Pops.  Den of wolves is more like it.  Den of wolves with slathering jaws and mad red eyes is probably more accurate still.  I couldn't watch them.

Watched Lyin Ted.  He walked into the convention like a bad guy walking into a saloon.  There were whispers among the poker players and the bar girls.  Rumors were that he was not going to endorse Old Yeller, but he hadn't quite come out and said that either. 

He swaggered unto the stage, looked around with that sly (slavering) smile, launched into the preacher speak thing he does, now soft, now loud, and then towards the end he endorsed the wall and the deportation - relieved smiles crossed the lupine features of the den of wolves - and he stressed how important it was to get out and vote - they were up on two legs, paws poised to pound - for the down tickets, the senators and reps and govs, not a word about the amber asshole.

And there he was, looming at the back of the crowd, tossing his locks petulantly, much like his jet had flown past Lyin Ted's little gathering earlier in the day, making his way towards the stage, giving the thumbs up as if he hadn't even noticed.

Then Pence lumbered onto the stage.  The pundits keep saying he is a nice guy, which I think is their nice way of saying a dullard.  It was about time for bed.

I think the movie that best fits this election is Network.  I think I may have mentioned that before, probably before Old Dog stepped into this here saloon.

Speaking of saloons, I saw where they are getting set up for that big boat race which I think goes from the southern edge of Lake Michigan to the northern edge.  It's too late for this year but maybe next year Old Dog and myself can build a boat (how hard could that be?) and join the race, and like the hare when the turtles are lumbering, drop into Club 27 (surely in this day and age even bars on the outermost fringe of this great nation have something in addition to yellow beer) and engage in a seminar with Beagles before getting back on the boat and passing the turtles just in time to, I dunno, what do you get if you win that race?

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