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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

money talks

There were many anarchist organizations in 1886, the time I am reading about in my book about the Haymarket Riots.  All eight of the guys who went to the gallows were anarchists.  I think this was the incident that brought about the character of the shabbily-dressed, bearded, bomb throwing anarchists of the cartoons.  I am sure there are still plenty of anarchist organizations around.  To the google machine:  Well lots, wiki of course has a pretty good entry on anarchism which I don’t have time to go through since I am getting a late start due to one of those connectivity issues.  I’m sitting here in a tower in the middle of downtown looking into the windows of buildings across the street and the streets are filled with cars and busses and horns and sirens, and I feel like some Yukon prospector on a lonely mountain when my internet goes out.

I don’t know if I understand the difference between an Anarchist and an anarchist or a Libertarian or a libertarian (I think for ‘Tarian! You need the capital and the apostrophe (and the exclamation point), but that is more like a brand name.  Hey I just discovered somebody owns the rights to, so I guess I have missed out on that potential windfall.  They are willing to sell it though).

Where was I, oh yeah, that capital thing.  I guess you mean card-carrying, or at any rate, paying dues.  Yeah dues, I think that is the mark of a dedicated lib or anarch.  It’s one thing to walk the walk and to talk the talk, but as George Chin who owned the restaurant I used to work at in Champaign was fond of saying, Money talks and bullshit walks. 

Strange isn’t it that neither the dems nor the reps collect dues?  They do ask you for money all the time.  I contributed a pittance to Obama and got emails from him for years.  I am tempted to contribute to Trump, just to see who would send me emails.  Has Trump ever said anything in private, like just to donors?

 I wonder why the lady wolf was better off in the pack than without.  I’ll bet it’s because if she leaves the pack, and I wonder how that happens, does she tear up her wolf card, the other wolves won’t let her hunt on their land and the other lands are probably already taken over by other packs.  I guess sometime in the past there were wolves, or their ancestors, who didn’t hunt in packs, but then some wolves became social and paired up and the wolves who didn’t become social couldn’t take the competition and they all died out, so that the only wolves still existing are the social wolves.  That is it’s just a thing the lady wolf likes to do, hang with other wolves even if she is at the bottom of the wolf pole.

By the way Mr Northwoods, what is the deal with wolves hunting in packs.  I once read In a book – this was before the internet – that wolves seldom hunted in packs, mostly they just dined alone, but now I don’t remember what the book was, so I am asking you, instead of doing onerous internet research, how much do wolves hunt in packs?

Was there a libertarian party around WW II?  

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