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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Bad Old Days

As far as I know, the Libertarian Party has always been for the legalization of pot and against foreign wars. When I was a member, there was no real consensus about abortion. The best they could come up with was a vague statement that the government shouldn't be involved in things like that, but they said that about a lot of things. I suppose there are people who call themselves libertarians that are not card carrying party members, and they can say anything they want about anything they want.

Don't expect the Libertarians to launch a campaign like the Dems and the Reps because they don't have that kind of money. They might have a website and send out literature to people who ask for it, but you won't hear them mentioned on network TV unless something happens that makes them newsworthy. With all the cable channels that are available nowadays, you might be able to find a talk show host who will interview them, indeed I seem to remember that you already have, but the mainstream/lame stream media won't touch them with a ten foot pole. I used to believe that was some kind of conspiracy, but now I think it's just because they just aren't considered to be newsworthy on a national scale. If they could pull five or ten percent of the presidential vote this November, that would get them in the news, but by then the election would be over. I plan to vote for Gary Johnson myself, but that's just me. Last election, my one vote was responsible for getting a guy elected to the Cheboygan County Road Commission, but he died shortly after the election and never did assume office. Coincidence? I think not!

I don't think the eight hour workday ever became law on the federal level, although some states may have it on their books. The only thing the federal law says is they have to pay time and a half for anything over 40 hours a week. Most union contracts require overtime pay for anything over eight hours a day, but most employees are not union members anymore, if indeed they ever were.

We grew up on movies and TV shows about the "wild West", but a lot of people don't realize that the whole country was wild and wooly in those days. I don't think it really settled down until World War II, when everybody united against the Nazis and the Japs. There was a brief period of peace and civility after the war, until the Vietnam War blew that away, and Americans have been at each other's throats ever since.

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