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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

tainting the dem gene pool

I don't believe we have discussed monogamy, as opposed to polygamy.  Well not just polygamy, there is also catch as catch can.  I believe the latter is the rule for domestic cats where the father is whoever is first in line when the female goes into heat.  I hear that the forebears of domestic cats had some kind of arrangement like tigers, where a male has a territory which includes the territory of several females whom he services like a good Mormon, when a new guy takes over his territory the females come with it and i don't think they mind.

I don't know how it goes with feral cats, i think they live too close to each other to have their own territories.  I don't know how it goes with other beasts of the wild, but I reckon my THOTOTHOTOM, comrade will soon be telling me.

And of course there is some cheating within monogamy.  The selfish gene says that is because the male will spill his seed wherever he can because the more offspring he has, the greater the spread of his genes and the female will avail herself to the seed of a male she perceives to be made of better stuff than hubby in order to wed her genes to stronger genes.  And then of course, there is liquor, but that's just kind of a random thing.

The big money guys have always given money to both parties because they want the winner to be indebted to them.  Traditionally republicans have been more open about this and have received the lion's share of this because they are, after all, the party of big business.  The democrats are more shy about this, but who doesn't need money?

That was the old republican party.  Anymore we have the establishment, the hard right, and the Trumpettes.  I think the tea party is split between the latter two and does not exist anymore as an independent entity.  The establishment, being a bunch of big money guys, is of course for themselves.  The hard right generally wants no fetters on business, so the big money guys like them, but i think they fear their fiery rhetoric a bit.  Trump could be the big money guys' best friend, or he could be their worst enemy, and big business, like Wall Street, does not like uncertainty.

I wonder about the future of the republican establishment.  Right now they are sitting in their lounge with their brandy and cigars and watching powerlessly as the republican party goes wherever.  They may just drift to the dems, back guys who are liberal on social issues, but pro business on others.
I have also read that the establishment foreign policy guys are cut adrift because the hard right is generally isolationist, and Trump is, well who knows.

Not that I am welcoming the big money guys, of whom I do not approve, into the democratic party, I am just speculating.

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