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Friday, March 4, 2016

Trump threatens to lay his cards on the table

Oh I bet they were wild on the bus.  As long as you could keep them under your teacher tyranny in the classroom they weren't so bad, but once they got into even the hallway on the way to the bathroom and they inhaled the sweet fumes of sweet liberty, they went wild.  I'll bet they were better in the morning when they had just left their parents' house with their parents telling them now you be good, and they were half asleep anyway, than on the way home where they were fully awake and had nothing ahead but playtime.  My classes were always much better behaved before lunch than afterwards.  Sometimes coming to the lunchroom to pick them up, and seeing their gleeful faces, i just wanted to slip out the side door and never be seen again.

I had the experience too where the first kid to come into the classroom was very nice and helpful, but as soon as the other kids arrived he turned out to be the worst kid.  I think they just want to show off in front of their peers.

Speaking of bartending, the worst thing to get was a bunch of drunk guys.  Guys and girls by themselves generally behave.  A group of drunk girls could be more obnoxious.  It's the screeching, cuts through me like a knife.  But they never did any damage or got into fights, and it didn't happen that often.  A mixed group was okay.  If there was just one girl with the guys they would behave better, but if it was just guys they would egg each other on like a bunch of fourth graders. 

Sometimes I envy believers their afterlife.  It must be nice when a loved one dies to think that they have gone to a better place, and that you yourself will be going to one.  I have a little bit of fear that right after being run over by a truck I will be facing St Peter with that long list.  "Well how was I supposed to know?" I will be wailing as I am riding the down escalator. 

What do you read when you are drinking your morning coffee and smoking your morning cig?  I live for the morning newspaper.  Speaking of dying, I think it would be alright if every morning some angel I guess, would slip a newspaper into my coffin and I could read it and return to my slumber.  I can't imagine not knowing what is going on, even when I am not around.

Last night's republican debate finally got around to the point where Trump was bragging about the size of his dick. I guess that was inevitable the way these things have been going.  You know I root for Trump because I see him as the ruination of the GOP, but with all his bleating and sneering and bellowing, he gets a little hard to take.  Rubio and Cruz double teamed him, and it was like bear baiting or that thing where they stick the spear into the bull.  It looked to me like they got the best of him, but then I am not a Trump fan so I really don't know what those guys are thinking.

There are still a lot of delegates but likely things will continue to go the way they have been.  Normally a convention is like a commercial for the party, everything is all scripted and nicey-nice, but if the republican convention is contested it will look like world wide wrestling.  At the end of the debate the others pledged to back Trump if he won the nomination, and he pledged to back them, but there is nothing binding about that.

I think I heard the paper hit the door.  Time to get the pundits' comments on the debate.

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