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Friday, March 18, 2016

elections in Beaglesonia

John Donne said that no man was an island, but he lived and died before the Beaglesonia of One.  I assume it is a democracy, but every time Beagles goes to the polls there is only one candidate.  He could write in himself but that wouldn't help anything. 

But what if the democracy, with its enlightened policies, turned out to be a worker's paradise, while the republic turned into a rich man's paradise with everybody not at the top suffering from a grinding tyranny?  Would Beagles still prefer to live a miserable life there just to prove he was right?  And what if the democracy turned into an anarchy with roving mobs, while the republic, based on solid free market principles, had a thriving economy with all the money trickling down so that even the boats of the poor were risen?  Would Uncle Ken still prefer to live there just to prove that he was right? 

We have both come to our different political views through our experiences and thinking about things.  But we have both been wrong about things in the past, what if we were wrong about our political views?

I had thoughts about that when I moved to Texas.  My true blue state of Illinois was going down the tubes while ruby red Texas was thriving.  Reagan was president, had everything I believed been wrong?  Not really as it turned out, but I had my moment of doubt.

This is a big oversimplification, but do we want to live in a society that has the principles we believe in, or is it more important to live in a society that works well?

New Orleans was great, but now I have four days of newspapers to catch up on.

The elections went well enough for me.  My man Bernie didn't do so hot, but I didn't expect him to and I can live with the big girl.  The reps have stumbled further into the abyss and of course that pleases me.

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