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Thursday, March 10, 2016

democracy at work in Marina City

Although Trump does well with evangelicals Cruz seems to do even better.  Trump takes the more populated areas while Cruz takes the countryside.  I think a lot of Trump support comes from what you call wishy washers, or a subset of them.  People who are only loosely affiliated with a party, don't know much and don't vote much, and would be only vaguely aware that there is an election going on, but Trump stands out for them.

I don't believe any of those theories where Trump has plotted this out carefully or that there is some kind of mastermind inside the buffoon.  You know before Copernicus they had all these elaborate detailed calculations to account for the paths of the other planets in the sky, and Copernicus said geez wouldn't everything be simpler if we just decided that the earth circled the sun.  Wouldn't everything be simpler if we just decided that Trump was a big fucking asshole?  Again, Occam's Razor.

This whole theory, and I hear it trotted out again and again by conservative pundits, where the reps ran relatively moderate candidates in the last two elections and lost them both so maybe they would have a better chance running a fire-breathing conservative, is a logical fallacy.  The last two times they ran white straight guys, so maybe this time they should run a black guy (are you sure Carson wasn't just Cain on sedatives?), or a woman, or a gay guy, or a dog, or your very own gay dog, if you could be bear to be parted so soon before your wedding.

I bring up that subject because you asked what do you guys have to lose if you lose congress, which is very likely with Trump or Cruz at the top of the ticket, and the answer is Barack Hussein Obama fist-bumping the other guys on the supreme court, and I happen to know that his goal, from even way back when he was community organizing, has always been to see you marrying your gay dog.

Here's an item in local politics.  In the true blue state of Illinois the guy who runs the state house is Madigan.  He is actually from our own hood and he runs the state house with an iron hand, and I admit, is an SOB.  Our new gov, Rauner, is a guy like Walker in Wisconsin, hell-bent on breaking unions and getting rid of all regulations on business.  He's a rich guy, and has a lot of rich friends and has set up this slush fund for dems to dip into if they betray their party and do his bidding.  My local rep, Dunkin, has taken the bait and voted twice to foil Madigan and his dems. 

He is up for reelection and Madigan and the unions have funded this woman, Stratton, to run against him in the primaries.  She's no great shakes, never heard of her before, but she is not Dunkin, and Dunkin, I might add, was never any great shakes either, I would never have noticed that I was voting for him except for his going over to the dark side.

Rauner and all his rich pals, and that national conservative money that sloshes around are all funding Dunkin. Madigan and the unions, and that national democratic money that sloshes around, are all funding Stratton.

I suppose at this point we could have some ideological debate about oh, collectivism against noncollectivism or whatever, but what we are getting is dueling commercials tossing mud at each other so that you can hardly tell which one is for which.  And they are sending out these cards.  I don't know if you get them there, but they are popular here.  They are like a foot by six inches of glossy cardboard, because, I don't know, maybe they think something that big is harder to throw away.  They are the same as the commercials as far as tossing mud.

For the last couple weeks we have been getting one or two of them from each candidate every day.  Right next to the mailboxes are a couple garbage cans for junk mail, but during this political season they have put out an extra can just for these mailers.  Around five pm when the poor saps who have to work for a living come home, they pull handfuls of this junk out of their mailboxes and take them straight to the can where they have to wait in line to toss them out.

If they had spent that mailer money on bricks we could have sent them on to some kindly contractor and built several brand spanking new schools for the poor kids of the city.

Another republican debate tonight, and then after Friday's post I will be off to New Orleans and I won't get back till late that week, so we may go a week without posts.  And probably by then the candidates will have been decided.

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