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Thursday, March 3, 2016

the grim reaper knocks

I didn't notice that much difference in the behavior of my grade school kids and the behavior of my class back in the day.  Did you notice any difference in the kids on the bus? 

When I first bought mutual funds I had a sheet of paper that listed what was good or bad about each of them and I pored over it and frankly one looked pretty much like the other so I picked three pretty much at random.  Later on when I bought more I bought something conservative and something based on the S and P, and that has been my chief moneymaker, though not lately.

Like you, I don't quite live within my means of social security and modest state pension and I dip into my savings to get by.  Sometimes I do the most rudimentary of calculations and am pleased that I will be dead long before the money is gone, but then I am sad that I will be dead so I don't dwell there long.

I had a recent medical scare that turned out alright, but got me to thinking that I am no spring chicken.  I was a little pleased that I held up well enough facing the grim reaper, but now that it's over I don't think about it much.  I hope it takes me in my sleep like a thief in the night so that I don't have to think about it too much.  Seems like such a waste, we gain all this knowledge and then poof, it's like we were never born.

Maybe They just want you to think that They forced a post industrial economy on you.  What does post industrial mean anyway, that we don't build as much stuff here anymore?

You don't look at the news first thing when you wake up?  When I go to bed at night one thing that puts a smile on my face is knowing that as I sojourn in slumberland shit will be happening all over the globe and I can sit down in the morning to a whole fresh contingent of news.  I have to get it off the computer because my newspapers don't thunk at my door in the hallway until I am up for an hour, and even though their news is old compared to the stuff I scroll on the computer screen it feels somehow more substantial.  It is a volume in the annals of mankind, unlike that computer screen which is more like a whiteboard that is written on and erased.

Another debate tonight.  Unfortunately I have scheduled an art club for tonight, and since I run it I can't ditch it.  Well maybe nobody will show up.

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