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Monday, December 7, 2015

signage and movies

Do you have moose (mooses, meese, moosi, moose'all) up there?  Last Saturday someone had a painting of a moose walking in a misty river: scroll down to Marva, and when we asked where the photo was taken she said oh way north in Michigan.  Naturally I thought of you and wondered if she had passed by Cheboygan, and it turned out that she had just clipped a national park photo from a magazine and herself had never been north of Evanston.

Before I learned that she had just clipped a photo from a newspaper I was going to ask her if she had been to Cheboygan.  One of the other people had painted scenes of Cheboygan, but it was that other Cheboygan in Wisconsin, the one with the S in it's name.  What is the deal with that, clearly both names come from the same group of Indians don't they?

Well anyway I guess if she never went north of Evanston, there was fat chance she would have passed by The Freehold.  And how would she have known?  I reckon there is no You Are Now Entering the Freehold of Beaglesonia sign, let alone a Welcome to Beaglesonia sign, probably just some number to aid the mailman,

None of my business, but you know I am Democrat and therefore always willing to poke my nose into whatever you good citizens are up to in your misguided lives, so maybe you ought to put up a sign, something like Democrats Keep Out (except for that mayor guy from long ago) Deer Welcome.  How about a Vote for Hillary?  Just trying to be helpful.

I have friends who like those old movies, those Turner Classic Movie movies with all the Fred MacMurrays and others of their ilk.  Myself I can't stand those movies, they are all so schmaltzy and the good guy (who is as pure as a copper pot given the Chore Boy treatment) always wins. 

Saw Network Saturday night.  I think it was even better than I remembered it.  Howard Beale kept saying more and more outrageous things and everytime the network guys were like this is the end of us, and everytime the people loved him even more.  Just like Trump.  Of course the network is owned by some huge shadowy corporation and when Beale turns against the corporation, that's when he is invited into the boardroom and given that speech about how there is now United States there is only AT&T and Standard Oil etc.  It was made in 1976 so it might be too modern for you but I recommend it.

I was going to go into a spiel about how I like actually going into a store and having a little interaction with the people (Hot enough for ya?) and touching the thing I might buy and taking it home instead of waiting for it to arrive in the mail in three or four days.  And then I realized that you surely don't even have a bookstore.  Oh my, how can you live like that?

I suppose there is a hunting story from Sunday.

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