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Friday, December 19, 2014

If there is evil, which there isn't, corporations are.

Are corporations inherently (by their very nature) evil? I think I can make that case. Well not evil, exactly, evil is hard to define, and verily I hold in mind that there really is no evil anymore than there is darkness, one is merely the absence of good as the other is only the absence of light. But that is an argument for another day. Let me rephrase it that corporations are completely amoral, and in general work in ways that are detrimental to human welfare.

As you said of business, their purpose is to make money. Money, not automobiles or toothpaste. And that is because that is the aim of the stockholders. They don’t invest in a company because it does good in the world, or makes a fine automobile, they invest in it because its stock price is rising. Indeed that is the whole motivation, the price of the stock. If the price goes down the CEO is out the door (though not without a platinum parachute. I can’t believe how this continues to go on. Every now and then there is an article or a Sixty Minutes or something about those salaries and parachutes, and it is so clearly wrong that everybody is outraged, outraged. And in a day or two it blows over and nothing happens. More proof of the immense power or the unelected corporate hierarchy, but that too is a story for another day). This means the CEO has to keep his eye ever on the price of the stock, and maybe at some point there comes a time when the company should retool which would involve a temporary drop in the stock to make a greater rise in the stock, but he dare not do that or else he would be out of a job.

Corporations may provide jobs, but to them that is just a cost of doing business, and they take every opportunity to pay as little as possible, they bust unions, they automate, lately they have been squeezing people into doing the jobs of two people because people are scared to death of losing a job.

And they (to the extent that they are people) do not believe in putting their shoulder to the wheel by paying taxes on their profits. They do everything possible to cut their taxes. They have all these little dodges and shells and whatnot so that again, every now and then there is an article or Sixty Minutes or whatever about how little, if anything, they pay in taxes, and again everybody is outraged and again it blows over because nothing can be done about it.

Because it is all legal, the corporations are just obeying the law (well okay they may tweak it a wee bit now and then), but of course the corporations had their paid minions in the government to write that law. And that is the other thing, because their soul purpose is to make money they have zero interest in the state of the union so they have no compunction not to bend the government to their will.

I was making these arguments specifically in regard to corporations as opposed to business in general. Those big tycoons of yore, many of them were indeed robber barons, but at least many of them got guilty consciences in their old age and did good works. A corporation can never have a guilty conscience and will never do good works.

In high school industry I learned that corporations were a good invention because they allowed the company to outlive the man, without doing any looking into it, I am not sure that that was a good thing. I’m always saying people are no damn good, but sometimes they are, and maybe we would be better off with people running businesses than legal machines running businesses. Of course people run the legal machines so, well I am not sure. That is my argument this Friday morning.

I did mean Mitt, and the word hated was a little over the top, but many republicans did hate him. Strangely, even after all I have said about business, businessmen tend to be more liberal than ideologues.

Jeb Bush is getting into the race, Mitt too. I wonder, just as a sidebar because it is way too early, who will sweep Beaglesonia precinct. I would think it might be Rand Paul, but he is making strange sideways moves towards liberalism. I am going to guess it is Ted Cruz because he almost never wavers.

Myself I am reluctantly for Hillary. I rather like this Elizabeth Warren and I could easily fall for her, but I worry about losing the election to some nut or to Mitt.

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