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Friday, December 12, 2014

I Miss the Corn and the Pheasants

When I first moved here, I said this area only needs two things to make it perfect, corn and pheasants. It's true that there is some corn raised here, but nothing like what they have in Illinois. There are a few hunt clubs in the region that raise or buy pheasants, but it's pretty much put and take because they don't survive the winter. People say that it's too cold, but that can't be true because pheasants originated in Mongolia. The problem is that adult pheasants eat seeds and it's pretty hard to find seeds under two or three feet of snow. While Mongolia is at least as cold as Michigan, it's a lot drier and windier. Any snow that falls there gets quickly blown away, or so I am told.

I have considered planting some corn and not harvesting it, but my experience with sweet corn is that the deer and raccoons eat it all a day or two before it's ready to be picked, so there wouldn't be any left by winter, which is when it's needed. I tried to raise pheasants a few times over the years. My plan was to release them when they grew up, but keep putting out feed, hoping that they would hang around through the winter and reproduce in the spring. I think I have told you how that turned out. I still think I could find a way to make it work, but I don't seem to have the time or energy for any more projects right now. It's getting so that I barely have time to get my firewood put up before I have to start burning it.

You keep accusing me of getting my ideas from Fox News, but I don't even watch Fox News! I was just wondering why there is suddenly all this fuss about cops shooting Black people. Are they shooting them more often now than they ever have? Of course that doesn't make it right, I'm just trying to put it into some kind of perspective. At some point the media will tire of this subject and move on to something else. When they do, that won't necessarily mean that the problem is solved, just that the public will be too excited about the next big thing to worry about it any longer.

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