You're probably right about there being more bull shit on the internet than there is in books. I think that's because it's way easier to publish something on the internet than to get somebody to print it up and bind it in a book. If somebody really wants to publish a book, he can always find somebody to do it, but he might end up having to pay for it himself. They call that "self publishing", and the outfits that do it are called "vanity presses". The internet is generally free and accessible to anybody who can type with two fingers. Before the internet there was no shortage of bull shit in the world, but most of it was put out orally instead of in writing. The spoken word tends to dissipate out into the atmosphere and be lost from memory eventually, but the written word is more durable, and more easily reproduced. Maybe the reason there is more bull shit on the internet is that, once it's published, it never goes away. Even if the original author recants and deletes his posting, once copies have been made, the thing takes on a life of its own and may circulate forever.
The reason I say that our immigration problems have gotten worse is that more people seem to be worried bout them now, but that may only be a perception caused by all the media coverage the subject has been getting lately. Before the Mexican issue, there were issues with Chinese, Japanese, and Irish immigrants. The only immigrants that never caused concern were the Slavs, and maybe the Germans, but that's just because those people are so nice that everybody welcomed them with open arms. (I make small joke.)
I don't think you understand my point about the dogs of Bliss any better than our director did, which may be because you also are a college graduate. (I make another small joke.) Let's try again: Long before the festival, a list of the rules was sent out to all the ticket outlets and everybody on the mailing list. Additionally, a big sign listing the rules was erected by the main gate. If anybody was ignorant of the rules, it was their own fault. The family I told you about traveled a couple hundred miles to attend this festival as part of their family vacation. The parents had to explain to their young children, who had never been separated from their dog before, that dear Fluffy could not go on vacation with them and had to be left in a kennel. Fluffy was not happy about this and the kids weren't either. Anybody who has ever been on a family vacation will tell you that, if the kids ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. When they get to the festival, these unhappy kids see several other dogs running around, which doesn't make them any happier, or their parents either. You know who is happy? The scofflaws who brought their dogs to the festival. The were able to defy the rules with impunity. They were not turned away at the gate, nor were they approached by anybody during the festival and told to remove their dogs from the premises. "Rules? We don't need no stinking rules! Rules are for suckers like your parents who don't have the balls to break them. Now run along, little kids, before I sic my dog on you."........ I ask you Uncle Ken, is this fair?
We are going to my daughter's for Thanksgiving and will be getting home late, so I won't be going online tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!
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