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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Don't Take it so Hard

I thought the election went well this time but, truth be known, I doubt that anything substantial will come of it. There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth by the losers, and the winners will strut and crow like banty roosters, generally making fools of themselves. We will have gridlock for two more years, and then everybody gets to try again. It could be worse, you know. We could live in one of those third world countries where the election is only the opening ceremony for the civil war that is sure to follow.

I was happy to hear that the GOP won control of the senate, but disappointed to hear that it was no thanks to Michigan. We had an old Democratic senator retire, only to be replaced by another Democrat. The GOP fielded a weak candidate with no legislative experience, all she had ever done was sell driver's licenses as Michigan Secretary of State. I suppose she was the best they could come up with because she ran unopposed in the primaries. Michigan hasn't elected a Republican senator in 20 years, so I guess nobody else thought it was worth the effort. I was surprised that our RINO governor was re-elected because he had made enemies on both sides. I suppose he won by appealing to those wishy-washy moderates who, in my opinion, have entirely too much influence in this country.

Just before the election, I read one of those newspaper pundits who said that everybody was watching the governor's race in Illinois. How did that turn out? Is it true that four out of your last nine governors ended up in prison? Sounds like a risky job to me! I suppose, though, that a gambling man might consider those to be good odds: five to four that you won't get caught.

Another pundit, this one on TV, said that Obama would now try to do everything by executive order, which he has been doing somewhat already. With a hostile congress, this could lead to a full blown constitutional crisis, which might be a lot of fun to watch. (I said that, not the pundit.)

Meanwhile, Michigan's firearm deer season is fast approaching. Opening Day, November 15, used to be a big deal around here, but not so much anymore. For some time they have had a bow season that runs from October 1 to December 31. Gun hunters still take more deer than bow hunters, but the long bow season kind of took the magic away from November 15. It's like if they started Christmas season right after Halloween. Oh wait, they already do that! Maybe that's why Christmas is not nearly as exciting to us as it was when we were kids.

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