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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Whole Shebang

Couple big philosophical problems there Beagles. The mind/body thing being one. When I spoke of soul, I meant whatever makes me alive rather than a religious thing. You know science can pretty much tell you what is going on with you as far as your physical body, and those waves going through the brain, and those chemical reactions going on between the nerve cells, but when you ask why am I alive they can only shrug.

The other thing is that prime mover kind of thing. You can ask what caused the prime mover to exist? Who created God? If He always existed, why did He wait until just six thousand or thirteen billion years or whatever to create the earth? What the Hell was He doing all that time? And later on when all us good guys go to heaven and we are watching God play His harp, what will we do after that?

It’s all the problem of infinity, of dividing something by zero. How can the universe go on forever? And if it doesn’t, what happens outside it, or after it? Those changes in science that you speak of are more the effect of the media glomming on to one theory and later on onto another, because there are lots of those theories as far as the nature of the cosmos, because none of them can be proved or disproved and they are all speculation. It is really not all that different then a roomful of college guys, or maybe military guys, having a bull session late at night, except that the scientists throw more math into it.

The reason I said cosmos is because many of those theories involve many universes, and how can that be since the definition of universe is everything that is? It seems like the universe has been downgraded, so now it is just one of many universes that make up the cosmos. Well then why aren’t there many cosmoses that make up The Whole Shebang? Makes a fellow want to drink, and you know you would get just as good an answer from asking the next drunk on a barstool.

A passenger pigeon may have known everything it needed to know to be a passenger pigeon, but later learned to its dismay that it would also have to know how to deal with humans. And though some animals have done well in our dominion, none of them have really learned how to deal with humans. And you are right, humans are among the animals that have never learned how to deal with humans.  

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