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Friday, September 26, 2014

no talking before the big bang

Plato believed that, that you existed before you existed. You existed in a world of ideal forms and that’s how when you came across the imperfect forms in this imperfect world, you knew what they were supposed to be.

Myself I always believed, back when I believed, that God had this mountain of egg cartons and everytime somebody new was born he would pluck out a soul and insert it into that baby, so if somebody was born in Sri Lanka just before you were born in Chicago, bam, your soul would go into that Sri Lankan baby, and that other soul, the one just before or after you in that heavenly egg carton, would be born in Chicago. Of course all the souls would be identical so it really wouldn’t matter which soul went into which body.

According to Mormon doctrine when we die, if we are good, we will all get to rule over our own planet, so if you plan on being good, probably better off being a Mormon and ruling a planet than just being one of the crowd watching God play the harp for all eternity.

Yeah probably Obama said that to counter the ISIS assumption that they were doing what god wanted them to do, but how many of those guys are listening to what Obama says? It’s that touchy thing where we want to say we are attacking these muslims, but not all muslims, most of whom we love to pieces.

Nothing was there before the big bang. It wasn’t like there was this big hot massive point of stuff that sat around in the universe awhile and then it exploded. The appearance of that point (and when I say point I mean something without volume) was the beginning of the universe. If you count back in time to the big bang you can’t count past that point because there was no time before that point.

Just to be picky, I am not sure if we can call spoken language a construct of the human mind, because we don’t really construct it, the way we do written language and mathematics, we just do it, the way we eat and drink and sleep. Well we need another person because there is no reason to talk unless you have someone to talk to. At this point I was going to go into the language of twins, where twins invent their own language, but a little wiki snooping has left me confused about all this.

It’s just hard to imagine how we could think without language, because whenever deep thinkers like us do our deep thinking we are really just talking to ourselves. It’s not like we see evidence of deep thinking in other animals, none of which speak. On the other hand, what if you were a really smart cow? What would you do that would be so different than what a dumb cow does?

Well I’ve wandered far afield and I think it’s time I stopped flapping my jaws before any of those evil spirits sneak in and make me want to buy a gun or a framed photo of Ronnie Reagan or something.

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