It's been a long time since I have read any Libertarian literature, but I don't remember them as being particularly worried about a global government. I do remember them saying that state governments are not necessarily more virtuous than national governments so, by extension, I suppose that a global government would not necessarily be more evil than national governments. Their agenda is for less government at all levels so, I suppose that, if a global government would replace the existing national governments, that would be okay as long as the new government had less power than the old regime. It would not be desirable to replace existing governments with a more powerful global government, however. It would also not be desirable to add another layer of government on top of what we already have, because that would be an expansion of government power in the world. I don't remember reading anything about libertarians in other countries, they may indeed have them, and they also may call them by a different name. A libertarian is something like an anarchist, but not so extreme. A true anarchist believes in no government, while a true libertarian believes in minimal government.
I thought it was the liberals who were in favor of tariffs, but I could be wrong about that. Isn't that kind of a union agenda? Well, there are two kinds of tariffs, revenue tariffs and protectionist tariffs. I think the labor unions, which traditionally lean towards the left, are in favor of protectionist tariffs. I don't know if anybody wants revenue tariffs anymore, but it might not be a bad idea with the big deficits that the U.S. government has been running. Since Red China seems to have more American money than we have, why not tax them on it? It would make more sense than borrowing it from them and paying interest.
I barely understand what's going on in the Middle East these days. I know it's not politically correct to say so, but they all look alike to me. Kill them all and let Allah sort them out! Not really, but at least we should stop feeding them.
I also don't understand how they get any valid statistics about illegal immigrants. If they know who these people are and where they live, why are they still there? I remember reading blogs some time ago from people who live in California and Arizona. They complained that there were so many illegals in their neighborhoods that they were clogging up the hospital emergency rooms to the point where a White person couldn't get in there if he had a legitimate emergency. I don't know if there's any truth to that, it's just what some people were saying. If you see a bunch of immigrants walking down the street, how can you tell the legal ones from the illegal ones anyway?
The only reason I was against Social Security for most of my life was that I was led to believe that I was going to pay money in and never get any of it back. Now that I've gotten back more than I ever paid in, I don't care what they do to it. The only thing is that, if they're going to stop paying it out, they should also stop collecting it from people who are still working.
I was kind of kidding about me being more deserving than other people. Still, if you're going to throw money away, don't go to strangers, throw it at me!
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