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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

We have met the enemy and he is us, well not me and you, just all those other guys

I haven’t given you much to work with because you have been lecturing me on the bible so I haven’t had much to work with either. We have a tendency to recite to each other what we have read, but then the other person has probably read that too, so I think we get a little boring.

Okay, I’ll disagree with the worst thing that ever happened to Christianity was becoming the state religion. As far as the Catholic hierarchy I think those funny hats come from some remnant of the Roman Empire, and surely without their funny hats to shock and awe their congregations they would surely have been gone by now. But maybe, as a former prot, and I’m not so sure about the former part from the way you talk about the bible, maybe you meant that whole Catholic hierarchy was a bad thing. But the pope was hardly the big deal he is today back in the middle ages when he hardly a place to hang his funny hats, and the peasants were served by illiterate priests who didn’t know anything and cults were constantly popping up like corn, and today Christianity is going great guns, fading a little in Europe but holding its own in the USA and growing at astonishing rates all over the rest of the world, so I don’t see how you can say that sharing the glory of Rome hurt it in any way.

It’s not the cattle scam that I was talking about with Bundy, it was how the Foxies and the more rightward libertarians who love to see armed guys defying the government (unless they are lefty or nonwhite), and whatever the militias have morphed into, loved this guy, loved him to pieces, and then when he said that racist stuff, they all abandoned him like a bald headed stepchild, well except for the militia types who generally have links to identity churches.

One thing about the Sterling thing is that when you buy into a sports league you have to sign a contract where you have to agree to certain behaviors lest you bring disgrace to the league and hurt its profits, so he doesn’t have that much freedom of movement. I have no comprehension of why you would invite him to destroy everything he has, why would he want to do that? Some kind of petty rage, against I have no idea who, like some teenager setting fire to the school because he got reprimanded? No wonder nobody takes your advice.

I call it a firestorm because of how powerful and it is that nobody dares to defy it, a little like that satan worshipping thing maybe twenty years ago when all those people were railroaded into long prison terms, by being accused of abusing children in their satanic cults, and none of their sane neighbors dared to defend them lest they be seen as fellow satan worshippers.

Political correctness generally doesn’t extend too far beyond academia, and even there unless you are some prof trying to defend your job or get tenure, it is just an annoying and silly set of rules that most people laugh at.

This is not your mysterious They who are behind the firestorms, this is We, well certainly not sophisticated and dispassionate characters such as ourselves, but the majority of the people of this country. You conspiracists are prone to see some mysterious coalition pulling the strings and hoodwinking the public, but in fact it is the public who is doing these things and the mysterious They of people who you think run things are just holding on like riding the tiger.

That is why KBW is starting with the people and working its way up, though we are currently stalled at the front gate of Beaglesonia.

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