Your last post got posted twice. The first one was labeled as a draft, and it was identical to the second one, so I took the liberty of deleting it.
The diversity in Christianity today is there in spite of, not because of, what the Romans did. They were never totally successful in suppressing the non-conforming cults, although Lord knows they tried. It took centuries of warfare, and the eventual adoption of the concept of freedom of religion by most of the civilized nations, to undo the damage that was done by the Romans.
It seems that, in the current climate of political correctness, tolerance is kind of a one way street. I have read about American people being required to take "sensitivity training" at work, where they are instructed to be tolerant of the Muslims in their midst, but I have never heard of similar training in the Islamic countries instructing their people to be tolerant of the Christians, Jews, or Hindus in their midst. I don't get around much anymore but, last I heard, it was no longer cool to tell ethnic jokes, but blondes and Red Necks were still fair game. It's been a long time, but I don't remember the Hippies being nearly as tolerant of the regular people as they wanted the regular people to be tolerant of them.
As far as I'm concerned, you can do anything you want in KBW, but leave me out of it. I don't tell you that you have to take up arms against the creatures of the forest, don't tell me that I can't vote against gay marriage just because I don't like the idea. I don't see why KBW and Beaglsonia can't peacefully co-exist, but I don't see a corporate merger in our future. It's a big country, there should be plenty of room in it for both of us.
I looked up that Bundy thing while you were gone. This guy defied a couple of court orders and stood down a bunch of federal agents in an armed confrontation. Why is he not in jail? I'm sure that, if you or I did something like that, we would be locked up. Why is everybody focusing instead on his racial statements? They were just words after all.
Then there's those federal agents. What were they thinking? The judge ordered Bundy to get his cattle off of government property, which he refused to do. So, instead of just arresting Bundy for contempt of court, they go about trying to confiscate his cattle, some 900 of them, which are wandering around somewhere in an 800,000 acre tract of open range land. Rounding up all those cattle would be a daunting task, even without the interference of those protesters. Both sides were well armed, and it was just lucky that no shots were fired, at least not at people. A cow and a bull were put down because somebody decided they were dangerous, but it certainly could have been worse. If it wasn't for that local sheriff, who went back and forth between the groups mediating a truce, who knows what might have happened?
So Bundy and his cattle are still running around loose in violation of two court orders, and all anybody cares about is some off the wall comments that he made about colored people. Am I the only one who sees something wrong in this picture?
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