After all, what's more important, putting your opponent down, or bringing
yourself closer to the truth?
There, spoken like a true
convert to KBW. I can see now where my relentless reasoning has converted the
hardest nut in the land. We can now take down the old Beaglesonian flag with the
crossed hunting rifles over the deer’s head and raise the proud KBW flag with
the letters in bold blue over a gleaming gold crucible, and probably a cat in
there somewhere because I like cats.
As Beagles hath
spoken: it seems like the Hippies have taken over
the country And all I can say is that it is about time. This is,
my friends, the Age of Aquarius.
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the minds true liberation
And hordes driving to to that charming Beaglesonian bed and breakfast
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the minds true liberation
And hordes driving to to that charming Beaglesonian bed and breakfast
To celebrate their gay marriage with
Well maybe we are
not quite there yet, last word from the Top O’ Michigan is that Beagles
still holds some renegade opinions, but surely bringing him closer
to feeding his beliefs into the sacred crucible of reason which shall reveal the
Trouble with cutting and pasting, it screws up your formats and
makes everything look goofy, let’s see if I can get back to normal, well normal
typefaces anyway.
But for now back to the debate. I wonder what state has tightened
up their gun laws. I can’t think of any. I know that Georgia, which used to be
seen as the relatively enlightened state of the south has recently gone hog wild
with carrying guns into churches and bars and college classrooms, and still the
nuts are grousing that they are not allowed to bring their babies into
government offices like the DMV. I saw one guy quoted as saying having to try
to renew his driver’s license without his big iron on his hip, will make him
feel naked and unsafe, and the only thing I can say that if you feel unsafe
entering your local gov offices without packing heat, you should probably
The west has always been more libertarian than the rest of the
country. Where other settlers looked at the verdant fields of Ohio, Indiana,
Illinois, and Iowa, and thought it was just fine, the sires of the current
westerners thought it was too damn crowded and full of busybodies and they would
rather live in the Goddamn desert where nobody would be around to tell them what
to do and they could smoke their pot and fire their guns till the cows came
home, if they hadn’t died of thirst amidst those big red rocks.
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