You know, for a guy who likes to argue, you haven't been giving me much to work with lately.
I think that the worst thing that ever happened to Christianity was when it became the official state church of the Roman Empire. According to Edward Gibbon, it didn't do the Roman Empire any good either. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but it was about that time the empire started it's downhill slide. Christianity survived and prospered after the fall of the empire, but it wasn't the same religion anymore. Then again, you can only predict that the end of the world is coming any day now for so long, and then you have to come up with another shtick if you want to hold on to your fan base.
There have been a couple of articles on that Bundy thing in our local paper, but they were opinion columns, not news stories. I was going to look it up on Wiki over the weekend, but then I forgot, so I don't know a whole lot about it. It understand that this guy didn't want to pay the standard fee for grazing his cattle on federal land which, from previous reading, I have been led to believe is a sweetheart deal for the cattle ranchers to begin with. From there it somehow escalated to the point that he has declared himself to be a sovereign nation or something. I could have told him, if you want to get away with something like that, you've got to keep it quiet and not do anything to draw attention to yourself, but he didn't ask me. I read on Wiki once that there's a guy in Australia who has been openly getting away with it for decades, but I seem to have forgotten what his secret is. I'll have to look that back up one of these days.
The Sterling affair has gotten a lot more news coverage around here. Since it's about sports, I have been trying to ignore it, but it's been hard to do. The first thing I noticed is that this guy seems to have a Black girl friend. This is unusual, usually the guy is Black and the girl is White. My hypothetical wife says that she doesn't look Black, maybe some other kind of colored but, in the pictures where she posed with some Black dudes, she looks to me to be just as Black as they are. The next thing I thought of was, if Sterling doesn't like Black people, then why did he buy a basketball team? Duh! Not that I care, but if he asked my advice, I would tell him to dissolve the team and destroy all the team's equipment so nobody else can use it. If the team owns any buildings, demolish them for the same reason. I understand this guy has more money than God, so he could probably use the tax deduction anyway.
I agree with what you said about the "firestorm", but why do you call it that? Isn't this the same old political correctness that has been infesting this country for decades? Before that set in, we had the other extreme, which wasn't right either. Sometimes I think that they do stuff like that on purpose, you know, the old "divide and conquer" theory. Remember how, in Orwell's "1984", they would periodically change all the currently accepted knowledge and pretend that it had always been that way? People bought it too, and apparently they're still buying it today.
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