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Friday, February 14, 2014

two kinds of people in the world

Of course I was exaggerating when I said that nobody liked Tricky Dick, but not many. In 68 he was running against Humphrey who had to carry the burden of LBJ’s Vietnam policy, and in 72 he was running against McGovern who I personally thought was great but most Americans thought was a wild-eyed commie. Of course people mostly vote for the guy that they disliked least. It has mostly been that way in presidential races since we threw off he union jack. Some presidents want to be loved, some want to achieve certain things, some want to prove that they can win the prize. I think the latter describes Nixon.

Of course the majority is stupid. There is this fiction that makes the rounds that democracy leads to choosing the best candidates. This is clearly not true. The advantage of democracy is that when your candidate loses, you know that four years hence you can go back to the ballot box and maybe you will unseat him instead of having to go to the barricades and shoot it out with the other guys.

I guess the guys at the mill thought they could beat the bosses but when it turned out they couldn’t they took what they could get. Maybe some of them were deer lovers.

Obama is not changing the law. You would think that somebody who really believed that would be happy to say exactly what laws they thought he was changing, instead of just saying vaguely, ‘the laws.’ Wherever you have read that is a place where the big mouth loons bray long and loud. You would do yourself a favor by reading elsewhere, and your ears would be cleaner.

Back in high school I used to be a big fan of Robert Benchley, a humorist from a generation ago. One of my favorite quotes of his was that there are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe that there are two kinds of people in the world, and those who don’t.

I, of course, am the sort of person who believes that there are two kinds of people in the world, and I am always dividing them into two groups for this or that reason, and there are people who agree with me, and people who don’t.

Oh I guess it’s an old story. There are dreamers who think of the way it should be, but they spend all their time dreaming, and there are those who are always doing things, but they don’t always know what they are doing. I don’t know. I will have to think about this more over the weekend.

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