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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A more laid back post

I may have gone a bit over the top with my last posting. It was on a Monday which comes after a Sunday, and I had just come off the Sunday shows that had featured that Lee character and some climate change denier. With Lee the interviewer was too lenient with the guy. You know they probe a little and catch them up on the more ridiculous elements of what they are saying, but then they let them wriggle off the hook. Some kind of professional courtesy I guess. The interviewers know that if they get to hard on the guys they won’t come on their shows anymore.

The climate denier was paired up with Bill Nye the science guy, and this is another thing I hate, when they pair up two people on opposing sides which gives the impression that the two sides are equal, for instance the guy claiming UFOs exist is just as probable as the big time scientist saying they aren’t.

And I guess that claim that Obama is breaking the law just struck me as one of the sillier claims being made in the Heritage Foundation factory. And of course the purveyors have no intention of doing anything about it, it’s just a red flag they want to wave in hopes of getting the attention of one of those Pacs to give them a shitload of money for their campaign.

You say you read it in the paper, but I’m guessing what you read was one of those columnists or maybe some interview with the above mentioned Lee, or really any of his ilk since they all get their talking points at the same place and they all sound alike.  How come you never read anything good about Obama that you want to talk about?  But I can see that I am doing one of the things that I preach against, which is attacking the messenger instead of the message. Kids never do this at home. But these attacks are just so relentless, that I just don’t have the time to go after them one by one.

Had you ever heard of a long and short birth certificate form? Do you have any idea what the difference is between the two. I never had, and I still don’t know what the difference is between the two. It would seem the short one is that thing you have to show to get your social security and passport or whatever. When you show that nobody ever asks, well where’s your long birth certificate form? I went to the google machine and discovered they are both issued at the same time and are pretty much the same except that sometimes you might need it to: for foreign adoptions or applications for dual citizenship but not to be president.

Why didn’t he just release it right away then? As soon as he released it, they wanted his college applications, his grade transcripts etc, and you know there would never be an end to it. What it’s all about is that the accusers want to be in the position of demanding documents that the accused doesn’t want to release (because he knows there would be no end to it), and this alone is what makes it look ‘fishy.’ What if I demanded the last three years of your property taxes and you refused to divulge them because you knew that if you did divulge them I would just ask for the three years before that, and so on. Wouldn’t it be ‘fishy’ if you refused to divulge them?

And I know I just said you should never attack the messenger just the message. But Donald Trump, really? Donald Trump? You know that he has sent a task force down to Hawaii to ferret out the truth like five years ago. Wow imagine what bombshells they will deliver.

I thought you were a states righter, the states are the laboratories of the nation, something like that, and now you want to wait for the feds to legalize pot before the states can? You know this whole state’s right thing is a dodge. Wallace claimed he was all for states rights when what he was basically for, and where most of his support came from, was racists and the state’s right to be racist. If it was something the feds were imposing that he liked he was all for it, it was just when it was opposing something he liked that he started waving the states rights flag.

But I digress, just to get you goat, I admit. For awhile there Obama was coming down hard on the California pot dispenseries, but lately I think he has given up on that, just another law he is not enforcing. I think marijuana is going the way of gay marriage. It is something the majority wants and it’s going to happen and no president can undo it.

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