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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

theory vs practice: high school civics vs the real world

I just made up Well you know I say that but as soon as I said it I had to google it, and I admit I am surprised that there isn’t one. There is an website, and then there are a lot of sites that are just selling Obama Sucks apparel, but I’ll wager they are not political at all and just trying to make money off guys who think that wearing an Obama Sucks baseball cap to the local pub will help them pick up chicks.

Ah it’s just that there are an array of columnists, led by that Krautsomething guy, who all they ever write about is how Obama sucks. Used to be, not that long ago, that columnists would write about foreign affairs or some political theory or something, but all this cadre ever writes about is how Obama sucks today because he is wearing the blue tie, and he sucks tomorrow because he will be wearing the red tie, and he will really suck next week when he shows up with no tie.

Lee was Cruz’s right-hand man when Cruz led the crusade to shut down the gummint. The Heritage Foundation is the most powerful think tank of the right wing. How do you read the newspaper and not pick this up?

It says that all legislation must originate in congress. Once they pass a bill, it goes to the president and becomes a law if he signs it. If he vetoes it, congress can over ride his veto with a 2/3 majority vote.

See, this is what I wanted to talk about with my theory vs practice thing. That’s the crap you learn in high school (remember that Paul Simon song, “...when I think back to all the crap I learned in high school...”), and I suppose that it is still followed in form, but all the loop holes are exploited, and there are things like bills going to committees to die, and this guy jawboning that guy and the party making deals, and then there is that filibuster thing that is not even mentioned in the constitution. And how about the law where the president can’t declare war without the consent of congress? Har har har.

Donald Trump was just one of many nutjob voices howling about the birth certificate, and he wasn’t the first one nor the major one. I’m with you in not knowing why the press gives him so much coverage. Anyway Obama gave up his long form as a sop to that crowd in general, not The Donald (as Fox always reverently refers to him) in particular. It seems to have shut them up a little bit.

I think the feds will continue to do stupid things like bomb pot fields and nab the occasional kingpin (because that always brings the drug trade to a sudden halt (sarcasm)), but they have never been much on nabbing the guy with a lid in his pocket. I don’t imagine they will interfere with marijuana in states where it’s legal, and by extension, probably not much in states where it’s illegal, and eventually as more states declare it legal, will get out of the game altogether.

Everything is going to make lawyers a lot of money.

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