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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Is you is or is you isn't a citizen?

Fourteenth Amendment  Section 1

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. 

 I am a citizen of the USA, became one when I was born of my parents who became citizens when they were born of my grandparents, who became citizens when they were born of my great grandparents, who became citizens when, well I don't know.  

They came over on the boat, you know, from the Old Country, maybe they strode into that flag adorned courtroom, took some kind of test, and then an oath, or maybe they didn't.  I have no idea.

But wait a minute, it doesn't matter whether they did or not because I was born right here in Chicago USA.  Doesn't matter if my great grandparents were citizens, or my grandparents, or my parents.

But wait a minute, what if Trump gets his way and being born here is not enough?  Sure it's a long shot and it employs convoluted crazy arguments, but you know he has appointed a lot of judges who are clearly committed to him, and he holds the supreme court in his pocket.  You never know.

So maybe they will decide that being born in the USA doesn't make you a citizen in which case if there is no proof that my great grandparents took the oath then my grandparents were not citizens, and neither were my parents, and thus neither am I and likely I shall have to make that trek to whatever passes as Ellis Island these days.  And you may be joining me. 

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