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Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 Trump's lawyers aren't trying to pass a new constitutional amendment, they are trying to figure out a weaselly new interpretation of it, something about one or both parents have to be American citizens.  Which almost surely will not come to pass.  But if it does, if you read my last post you will know that chances are that you might be joining me at whatever passes as Ellis Island these days for the next boat to the old country.  I am assuming that you don't have any kind of evidence that your ancestors who came here later became citizens.

That elitist thing is you are just making a circular definition.  What is an elitist?  A person who tells us what they want us to hear. What is a person who tells us what they want us to hear?  An elitist.

And really don't we all tell people what we want them to hear?  If we have good information don't we want to spread it around, the way your doctor wants you to know that it is a good thing to get a vaccine?

Anyway the term elitist, a person who has gone to school and studied hard, has come acropper in the current political climate where what Trump sez trumps any learned opinion.

But it's good to see the blog coming back to life.  When we first started it was mostly about politics and I think we should go back to doing that.  I was arguing Vietnam with a buddy over beers a few nights ago.  And it got pretty strong, but not heated, certainly no insults or calling of names.  

At some point my buddy kind of apologized for arguing but I was all like no problem.  I love arguing so long as it doesn't descend into personal crap.  I think you do too.

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