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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Marching together to our bright destiny

Seems to me that you got off easy with 22,000, and also that 1,000 dollar a month premium for insurance sounds a bit high, but now that I think about it, that probably covered your hypothetical wife (can we give her a shorter, easier to spell name?) also. I am a little surprised that you had that much in savings, but then I realized that you are a Bohunk just like me, so I know you used your money wisely.

I remember my mother preaching the virtue of thrift to me, and I would be thinking, but Mom, isn’t that the Scots? We were never one of those big ethnic groups like the Poles and the Italians, so people generally didn’t know what to make of us, sometimes they thought we were all arty types because of that Bohemian thing. Generally I threw in my lot with the Poles because there were a lot of them and they seemed very genial and enjoyed a Polack joke as much as the next guy and didn’t get all huffy the way those Italians do whenever you make a mafia joke.

That farmer guy has nobody to talk to except the hogs. What I imagine he does is finds these disreputable sites which trade in rumors as facts, the kind that tend to be a bit racist and that never met a right wing conspiracy plot that they didn’t like, and I imagine that’s where he picks it up. I know you almost never watch Fox, but that’s what they do all the time, pick up some wild rumor from those sites, but they are too embarrassed to admit they read them so they just say, “There has been some talk,” as if this was something regular people talk about, the way politicians often say they didn’t really want to run for this office but then they heard the people on the street crying out for them to save the nation. And you wonder if there was such a racket going on, how come you never heard anything.

When I said libertarians, I meant libertarians in office, like that Rand Paul guy who seems a little dovish at times but also throws in his lot with the bible thumpers most of the time. And there are others who claim to be libertarians from time to time, though we all know they all say anything from time to time.
I don’t have any figures, but it seems to me that the tea party is roughly half libertarians and half bible thumpers, and I mean their candidates and their supporters. Probably their supporters are a lot more pure whatever they are than are the candidates because it is hard to be very pure if you want to get elected to everything.

Anyway I guess I was thinking maybe they (the candidates) who are more libertarian than religious might separate themselves from the religious and make a deal with moderate republicans who might make a deal with the dems and we could all join together in a mighty nation and forge a path to our bright destiny.

And having read what I wrote, I don’t know why the hell I think that, must be some germ of truth or faith in that, and I will try to work that out later, after all, I still think that Obamacare can work.

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