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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Will Wonders Ever Cease?

 Here's one for the "Every time you think you've seen it all, you find out that you ain't seen nothing yet." department:

The Chicago Rat Hole has charmed thousands. Neighbors have had enough. (

I thought that Uncle Ken's mystery bird looked like a kestrel, except for the fuzzy head.  Kestrels are the smallest of the North American raptors and are sometimes called "sparrow hawks".  I tend to agree that the fuzzy head might mean it's a juvenile, although this doesn't seem to be the right time of year for that.  

I also remember a bird called a "night hawk" from Chicago, but I never saw one close up.  They used to soar high above the city lights on warm summer evenings catching insects in flight.  They usually hunted in pairs, calling back and forth to each other.  There was a pair circling over the Gold Front Bar the first week I spent in Cheboygan.  I took it as a sign that my destiny lay here.  

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