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Monday, January 22, 2024

Jabbering in January...

Running a little late but, "Happy New Year!"  Better late than never, as they say.

Wasn't that a delightful little break from the "urgency" of posting all the time?  Gave me time to reflect and ponder, an activity I can't get enough of but not to the point of where I'm going to share my thoughts.  Too much information these days if you ask me.  You didn't?  Oh.  Never mind.


Glad to see Mr. Beagles is back, out and about in Cheboygan.  I still read the Tribune every so often, not as much as I should.  I saw that some grade school kids are raising a baby sturgeon to be set free this spring, not something I expect to read about in this neck of the woods.  What woods, you ask?  Not sure, but they're there...Urbs in Horto, cha,cha, cha.  And according to the Trib, this weather is the perfect time for folks to go owl watching.  Who?  That's right!


Since Uncle Ken has the greenest thumb around here I was wondering if he had any house plants or are they all on the balcony.  Well, what's the story?  I know that houseplants can be problematic for pets and other children; most of the greenery I have comes with a warning.  There's a house a block or so away from me that has a nice little stand of bamboo; I'll have to talk to the owner about getting a cutting or something.  According to the local garden center, bamboo is considered an invasive plant and it's illegal to sell seeds but wouldn't bamboo make a swell addition to the jungle of The Geezer Chateau?  Grows like crazy, too.


Remember that nice little watercolor of a spider that Uncle Ken shared a while back?  Here's a pic to show how big (or little) they actually are in case you were wondering.  Still cute, too.



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