It bothered me when Trump endorsed Dixon, but not enough to make me change my mind. I thought it possible, even likely, that he waited till the last minute before jumping on the Dixon bandwagon before it started off without him. I just now came across this article that tends to agree with me:
“The last-minute endorsement for Dixon was more about Trump trying to position himself as the kingmaker,” says Michigan-based Republican strategist Dennis Lennox. “He waited and waited until it became obvious that all the third-party money and endorsements from a who’s who in Lansing had pushed her over the top.”
What other choices did I have anyway? Three other Trumpists and one preacher man who thinks he can save Michigan by restoring Judeo-Christian principles to government. Sorry to say, that ship sailed a long time ago. It was way back in the 60s that the Polish enclave of Hamtramck had to cancel their annual Christmas pageant because they couldn't find a virgin and three wise men, or so I have been told. I understand that the Poles abandoned Hamtramck to the Muslims some time ago, and maybe that's one of the reasons why.
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