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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

an ophthalmological adventure

 I thought I had shown it before..  Yes I left off the the part where Jenn was cooking in the kitchen.  Test audiences were confused by how they got from the kitchen to the bar.  And you do have to simplify things going from something for the reader to something you are going to read aloud.  It makes me sad to leave behind a finely wrought phrase, but in compensation I get to use voices and make faces. 

There are some errors in it I discovered when practicing it, I corrected them on the hardcopy.

I don't know if I have written about my cataract surgery three years ago.  I had thought that I had pretty good vision with my glasses, but then I noticed that when riding in a car looking for a street I was no longer the first to read the street sign, and at the ballbark I couldn't read the balls and strikes on the little mini scoreboards.  I went to the doc and he said cataracts which is kind of unpleasant and costly surgery, but at the end you can see better so I was all for it.

They put bandages on your eye afterwards and you leave them on until you see the doc the next day like plastic surgery on the hopefully beautiful woman, and you see how it all came out, only instead of being looked at you do the looking.

I was in one of those little lab rooms and across from me was one of those eyecharts showing this one tiny E and I could not believe how clearly I could see it.  Omigod, like sixty years ago when my first eyeglasses were put on my face, Can everybody else always see like this!?!

So like I said I had that surgery three years ago only on my left eye, and I have spent a lot of time just walking around looking at stuff, but the last year things weren't looking all that well.  Well likely the other eye was deteriorating and was not pulling its weight, so probably I ought to get that one fixed, though I had nagging thoughts that in addition to the right eye not pulling its weight maybe the left eye was not a supereye anymore.

So I went to see the doc and yes the right eye definitely was not pulling its weight and since you mention it, there seems to be some kind of debris in your left eye, and I pressed it against something and stared at this flickering blue light while he, er, did something. Afterwards everything was dark and blurry as he explained it all to me and I went to set up an appointment for the right eye.  But all the while things were clearing, and eventually the old supereye like just after the operation was back.  Oh gloryoski!

Walking home was a bit of an adventure with my heavily dilated eye (when the doc was talking to the nurse the subject of how well I dilated came up a few times, I wanted to reply modesty, well, I work out.) was like walking on the bright side of Mercury with heavy traffic, but I got home alive.  

Last morning I was writing my post crouched over the keyboard squinting at the screen like a little old man, but his morning I am leaning back like I was driving a Mercedes Benz like a fat old man.

Well that's all kind of indulgent.  I am not very interested in other peoples' medical adventures so I don't know why they should be interested in mine.  But it was a big deal for me and I had to tell somebody.

Open mic on the roof tonight when I will be reading that story about Jenn.  I will tell you how it goes.

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