Dixon is the evilest of the five evils. Because she has been endorsed by Trump, the election is sort of a referendum on Trump. If she wins then the craven reps will see that the Trump endorsee has won and that will be an example of how powerful he is in the party and they will be less likely to try to go against him in any way. A vote for Dixon is a vote to keep Trump strong.
And a vote for Trump is a vote for Russia and their invasion of Ukraine.
Meanwhile here in Illinois the hick has been abandoned by his fatcat backer, Uihlein, interestingly enough an heir of the Schlitz fortune. The fatcat who backed the fake republican has has left the state for Florida, and the other Irvin backers are not bothering to throw their support to the hick, and he is broke and cannot even air commercials, and the dem incumbent, who is his own fatcat, is pounding him on the airwaves.
Last I heard that Michigan commission is fair and square so since the previous redistricting was rigged to favor the reps, they should do less well in the elections, but I don't know anything more of what is going on in those races.
The black majority district thing did indeed backfire. The blacks did get their districts but at the cost of losing their representation in other districts, so that the legislatures in the white districts, having few black people in their district, they had no incentive to pay attention to black districts.
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