Chickens. If you have an inquiring mind, as I have, you must have wondered what modern day bird is the closest to the dinosaurs, but perhaps you have never done the internet search. I have because I always thought it was pigeons because, well I don't know, the way they look at you, but I wanted to make sure so I consulted the internet, which told me that although pigeons are pretty close, but if you want to get all technical about it, it is chickens.
But you know, not the same kind of chicken that you find in the Colonel Sanders box. Surely there is some kind of wild chicken which we have domesticated, and the term red jungle fowl came up, but I did not follow up on that stub, because I came across the subject of feral chickens.
Yes there is such a thing, and it turns out there is a big problem with them, especially in Florida. Well Florida, you would think DeSantis was bad enough.
I almost died the night before this one. Chest pain, and more to the left, and sometimes occupying my left arm. Isn't that the classic symptoms of a heart attack? Not so much google informed me, could be a lot of things, probably heartburn which made sense as I had been particularly gassy, and when that passed well I felt perfectly fine, as I do right now, but now I know that after that googling I can expect to get a lot of ads on fb about heartburn.
Which leads us to the subject of women's underwear. Let me say here and now that sometimes I get a lot of ads for something I have never googled and that has nothing to do with me. Sometimes I think they just get people confused and send the ads to a wrong person as I am sure is the case with Beagles and his women's underwear situation. Women's underwear. Women's underwear. Women's underwear. This is a test. Google searches are low hanging fruit for ad researchers but does their reach go all the way down to obscure blogs? We shall see Gentlemen, we shall see.
Well sure there are ways to undo the undoing of Roe vs Wade, but the ones Beagles suggests are a pretty hard slog and my solution would be to pack the supreme court. There are four or five mad dog MAGA guys running for the senate, and if they all lose, why Coal Joe will just be some lone dickhead who can be safely ignored and we can end the filibuster and then we can pack the court.
Hopefully soon because, well the world is burning up, and both Coal Joe and the supremes hate environmental regulation.
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