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Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Dog Days Adventures

I too have been following the slow but apparently sure healing of the walking man.  Not many details, but we don't really want to be prying our noses into the business of the guy who we love because he never bothered nobody.

No crazy hot days?  The weekend I put on my show, strolling down to the Walgreens to get some gum was like a death march.  My Champaign buddy was down for that and of course I had to show her around, and I'll tell you from the rooftop of my aerie the city is a wonderland, but trudging down State Street at high noon with the noise and the smells and the sweaty bustle, not so much a wonderland.

But speaking of my show and the Ten Cat.  When I was down there last weekend to take down my show Connie told me that they have a prospective buyer who basically wants to keep it the way that it is.  Of course the guy may be lying, but still, good news.

Is Old Dog planning on growing fruits and vegetables inside, with just that one window I saw in the photo?  Seems to me that food crops generally need a lot more sun than that, but as a man of the soil myself, I am interested in reports and photos.

I too have been staying away from that abortion thing to keep the peace.  But what that clown from the notoriously Trumpy American Examiner was really saying was that it is a bad thing for the other side to get something from the supreme court, but it is fine and dandy when his side, through strategical delays and hurry-ups, and incredulously foolish folk like Coal Joe, and Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski, who are shocked, shocked, shocked, that nominees pushed by the Liar in Chief, would tell them a lie, stack the court with narrow-eyed partisans, why it is perfectly fine and dandy.  

The reason the rest of the world is so interested in Uncle Sam is because he is the amiable but drunk guy bestriding the planet with his locked and loaded AR-15 and asking, "Are you looking at me?"

The reason you don't see much foreign news is that Americans are notoriously uninterested in news from the rest of the world, and your local tv station and newspaper know that and are unlikely to serve it up to you.  If you listen to BBC or read The Economist you will discover all kinds of things happening in all kinds of places that you never heard of.  I subscribed briefly but could never finish one for before the next one was hitting the mailbox.  They were a little righty for my tastes, but it seems to me that they presented the straight news in a straight manner.

And my adventure in election judging came a cropper.  There was some excitement among the reps about their gubernatorial candidates, but nothing really was going on on the dems side and Marina City is true blue so there were few people coming through, the door, three in the first hour,  so that was realllly boring.  And then somebody from headquarters was supposed to swear me in, only they didn't want to and I slunk away, and I was pretty happy about that. 

 My friend who got me the job strongly suggested that I wear long pants that weren't jeans and I dug through my pile of clothes from fifteen years ago when I was a wage slave, and found a pair of Dockers, or something like them, that fit me, and topped them off with one of those suave Mexican shirts, and they weren't that uncomfortable, but you know, it reminded me of the clothes I wore walking to Elsdon Methodist Church and knowing that I had to keep to the straight and narrow sidewalk and not participate in any adventures.

So I was glad to tear them off and get into my usual duds and walk out along the river on a sunny but not hot summer day.  Then my phone rang and something had happened and somebody war ready to sign me in, but I had to tell them that School was out for Summer.

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