My apartment points straight east, come the equinox I will see the sun rise over the little slot of lake that I can see between the IBM building and the London House.
Aha! I think I have it, courtesy of the good folks at Google Earth. It looks like you have a clear view of the lake, through the locks, all year round. I'm still trying to get a good sunrise shot with the buildings along the lake; there is a good view from the little patio we have on the 6th floor and nobody is around at sunrise. Early morning planes are flying almost directly overhead on the way to O'hare, like clockwork, at intervals of around one minute. Watching the sun rise is a nice way to start the day but it is a little early, I think.
That business with the Supreme Court and Clarence Thomas acting goofy doesn't bother me much because I think I know how it will eventually pan out. Now that it's up to the individual states, their legislators will decide that abortion is too bothersome of an issue and will vote to leave it up to the counties to decide. Then the counties, not willing to get entangled in the pros and cons, will decide that the local municipalities are best suited to rule on the issue. Of course, the local governing bodies will realize that their constituents are a diverse bunch of folks and, not willing to offend anyone, they will vote to let the individual decide what is the best course of action for themselves. Problem solved?
I mentioned that I'm fooling around with germinating seeds from fruit that I've gotten from the supermarket, and Behold! The Rise of the Red Mango!
These images are from last Saturday, taken about two hours apart. It appears to be growing slightly less than an inch per day. It's too bad that the local climate is too cold for Mr. Mango and it will have to be house-bound. Mango trees can grow more than 100 feet tall and can bear fruit for hundreds of years, quite a legacy for future generations.
Don't treat that chest pain incident lightly, Uncle Ken. Yes, you're a big boy but gentlemen of a certain age should err on the side of caution, I think. The folks at the Mayo Clinic seem to think that the combination of gassiness and chest pain warrants immediate medical attention. So be careful out there.
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