One of the many things that Chicago has and Beaglesonia doesn't have is lumpsuckers.
My heart sank when I read that, thinking of all of the invasive species invading our Great Lakes, joining the Zebra Mussels and Asian Carp. But no, lumpsuckers aren't fresh water fish; the fish Mr. Beagles referred to are sitting in a tank at the Shedd Aquarium. Whew! Cute little guys, I thought, as I read the article and I had to know more. YouTube to the rescue, plenty of info on lumpsuckers and their habits. The most significant thing that I saw was that they are critical to the salmon farming industry. Farmed salmon are kept in close quarters and are prone to insidious sea lice, not a good thing for healthy salmon. Pesticides aren't useful for a number of reasons but our friends the lumpsuckers find sea lice tasty morsels and will chow down with great vigor. The result is no more sea lice and we can enjoy pesticide-free farmed salmon. Good news, I'll say. When I was a kid I liked eating sockeye salmon straight out of the can, and I still do.
Idit ebat sebe!
That's not a nice thing to say to your fellow Beaglesonians, Mr. Beagles. Maybe it loses something in the translation.
Well I will certainly be tuning in to the Jan 6 show tonight.
Knock yourself out, Uncle Ken. Do I give a rat's ass? Short answer, no. Long answer, n-o-o-o-o-o.
Thousands of years of recorded history and this is the best we can do? Seems to me that human culture has been built on lies and we go along with the deceptions because otherwise we couldn't maintain any semblance of order. Some folks take a very binary view on social issues, you're on one side or the other and there are no other options. That stinks, in my opinion. If you're neither a Republican nor Democrat you are essentially disenfranchised and have no voice. And God forbid you own a firearm; you will be further marginalized by being called a gun nut. I'm glad I never researched any of the fringe politicians lest I be called a crazed right-winger. but that's neither here nor there. Some folks see only black or white but the Old Dog sees nothing but an infinite range of grays. Maybe it's just my cataracts.
But the funny thing is that folks had the right idea long ago, back to the Epic of Gilgamesh. In the words of Siduri, bartender to the gods,
Humans are born, they live, then they die, this is the order that the gods have decreed. But until the end comes, enjoy your life, spend it in happiness, not despair.
You can usually depend on a bartender for good advice, and this is no exception.
Well are right then that being even-handed kind of wears a guy out.
Sure thing, Uncle Ken.
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