See now that's what I have been saying about the Jan 6 Hearings, unlike the impeachment shows which consisted mostly of senators making little speeches, these hearings are full of drama. Not too long ago Beagles was complaining that most things he can't see for himself and has to listen to other people tell him about it and here he has a chance to witness the hearings live and direct and he chooses not to in favor of listening to other people, who I might add are steering him very wrong if they are telling him that nothing much is going on.
Has Old Dog considered that maybe his computer is becoming sentient? Maybe those opening windows are like baby computer crying out for something and those strange characters are baby talk. Maybe if he were to speak to it gently like a mother it could pick up on his cadences and learn to speak English.
The founding fathers did not want a party system, but bam there it was in four or eight years because it is just a natural outcome like mold growing on your corn muffins that you let sit too long in a closed box. I thought it worked fine when Obama got elected (it could have given him more congressmen though so that we could have real socialized medicine instead of the hodgepodge we have today which is still much better than the republican alternative which was nothing, oh, and tax cuts for the rich, because everything is better when the fatcats are happier.
I think things started going south when LBJ passed the voting rights act which he knew down the road would lose the south for the democrats, and was accelerated when Nixon chose the southern strategy, and the tea partiers, with their no compromise attitude and their silly hats pushed it right to the edge of the cliff. And then along came Trump, and really what kind of system would ever work with that jerk in power?
We do get that cooling effect in Chicago and cooler by the lake is how the weatherman closes his forecast, but when Mother Nature sends those westerly blasts across the plains the lake might as well be where the Atlantic Ocean is.
The party was cancelled for the first time in its forty some years in 2020. It came roaring back in the covid lull of summer of 2021 when suddenly it looked like we had it licked and the engineers and the passengers on the train and the people in the station and oh hell everybody you met on the street were smiling and high fiving each other. Then along came omricon. Which I think is about beat, cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have been dropping for months. Well how come all those people in the news are getting it? My Champaign friend says what is going on is that everybody is getting it but it is so mild that nobody notices. Those famous people get tested all the time and that's why they are in the papers. Of course that doesn't mean some new variant won't be stepping out of the wings.
So I will be heading south on the 3rd. Oh, and I will be taking down my show on the first so if Old Dog wants to see what may be my last show he might want to amble some blocks south before then.
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