"I will say this, though: after the last five years I can safely conclude that the two-party system doesn't work anymore." - Old Dog
I have heard people refer to the "Two-Party System" all my life, but truth be known, there ain't no sucha thing. There is no mention of political parties in the U.S. Constitution, but that doesn't mean they weren't invented yet. Political parties certainly existed at the time the Constitution was written, but the Founding Fathers chose not to make any of them an official government agency, which was probably a good thing. There are all sorts of rules and regulations concerning political parties, mostly at the state level, but I am not aware of any state that limits the number of them to two. Michigan categorizes them as "major" and "minor" parties, depending on how many votes they got in the last election. If more people voted for the Libertarians than either the Republicans or the Democrats, the Libertarians would be promoted to major party status in the next election. That doesn't mean, however, that one of the others would necessarily be demoted to minor party status. I don't know what the current threshold is, but if all three parties exceeded it, there would then be three major parties in Michigan.
We've had some hot weather this year, but nothing like what they are getting Down Below. I think it has a lot to do with the Jet Stream. We are usually on the cold side of it. It may shift north of us on occasion, but it doesn't stay there long before shifting back. Then there's the lake effect, not the one that brings the snow, the other lake effect. As the sun rises in the morning, it heats the air over the land faster than the air over the water. This warm air then rises, allowing the cooler air over the water to drift in and replace it. I'm not sure why you don't get that in Chicago, but I think it has something to do with all that concrete and asphalt covering the ground.
I read somewhere that this January 6 committee doesn't intend to prosecute anybody as a result of their findings. So, what do they intend to do with all this information besides preempting my favorite TV sit-com? Has anything new been discovered, or are they just re-hashing, all the stuff we've been hearing for the last year and a half?
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