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Wednesday, March 9, 2022


 That photo Old Dog posted of the six news channels all on one screen at the same time reminded me of what CNN did after one of those jumbo jets plunged into the south China Sea without a good bye.  I don't remember exactly how many, maybe sixteen experts in a four by four grid on the screen.  One of them was a psychic and CNN got a lot of grief for that, and in fact they got a bit of grief just over the ridiculous grid, and now they bring them on one at a time.  The thing  being I have had my fill on experts so I am going to skip this one which is just as well as I can see from the link he is saying pretty much the same thing all the other experts are saying.

Back when the US faced its constitutional crisis, even when only one party wanted to rid us of this tyrant, much of the military and law enforcement stood tall and stuck to what they believed in.  It didn't help us get rid of the tyrant, but it did keep him from establishing his dictatorship and lining us up against the wall which word is was one of the things that so enamored him of Putin.

Are there any such generals or officers of the law with any kind of power to do such a thing in Russia?  Just my own little expert guess, but probably not.

CNN just on with a big list of all the companies that will no longer deal with the Russkies.  Again I am surprised at the strength of these mysterious sanctions, but apparently the citizenry is going back to the bad old days of waiting in line.  I'm not sure how real polls in Russia are, but the last one had the people backing the war two to one.  Well the American public backed the wars in Vietnam and Iraq at first, but when they went on and on and accomplished nothing, our people eventually got tired of them.  On the other hand in the mean time a more and more frustrated Putin finger is on the atomic button.

Here's the thing Beagles you have previously spoke against Mexican immigration using the issue that the country is just too crowded as it is.  Those bold blue and yellow Ukrainians would take up just as much space as the Mexicans.

But the analogy is not quite right.  These Ukrainians don't want to settle in Poland or Hungary or Czech, they just want to stay out of the way of the bombs until hopefully this thing is settled and we can go back to normal.

Speaking of normal, our local covid rate is down to the low levels of last summer, and just maybe we are going back to normal although plenty are still dying in the outlaw states of Florida and Idaho.  But my masks are now languishing in the bathroom drawer and hopefully I will only have to open the drawer to dump ithem into the dust bin.  Maybe while listening to the sound of hammers and nails as the Ukrainians put their country back and of the wheels of the wagon that is delivering Putin to the Hague.  There is a glimmer.

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