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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Geopolitical Catastrophe my Ass!

This is in response to the column "Is Russia too suffering from national PTSD" by Paul F. deLespinasse, published in the September 16 issue of the Cheboygan Daily Tribune.

The liberation of the Captive Nations was certainly not a "geopolitical catastrophe", it was the best thing to happen on the geopolitical scene since the Allied victory in World War II.  Now we have Vladimir Putin, an unrehabilitated Communist, who seems intent on reestablishing the Evil Empire.  I believe that most Russians are good people, they just happen to be cursed with bad leadership.  What they need to do is overthrow Mr. Putin and cast him into the Outer Darkness where men shall weep and gnash their teeth. 


Both Russia and China were our allies during World War II, it was their behavior after the war that made them our enemies.  Technically, communism is a system of economics, not a system of government.  In common usage, however, Communism with a capital "C" has become synonymous with the autocratic governments of Russia, Red China, and others of their ilk.  Russia in particular has openly threatened to "bury" us on numerous occasions.  Sounds like an enemy to me.  I'm not so sure about Red China, they seem to have evolved into shrewdly competitive businessmen.  That would make them okay if it weren't for their oppression of their own people.  President Nixon seemed to think he could play Red China and Russia against each other to our own advantage.  It's beginning to look like Red China is considering trying the same tactic between us and Russia, but it's too early to tell for sure.


When contemplating the optimum population density of a country or a planet, we need to consider more than the number of square feet per person.  Some habitats, like mountains and deserts, won't reliably support even a moderately dense population because of inhospitable climate or limited water availability.  Much of the "good" land is needed for agriculture, and urban sprawl gobbles up a lot of that.  Then there are subjective considerations.  While my urban colleagues might be comfortable living stacked up on top each other, there are some of us who need room to swing our boom.  Deprive us of that, and we're likely to get angry. You wouldn't like us when we're angry

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