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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

End of February

I wonder if I could get some comment on Sandy Denny and her story.

Not my cup of tea.  It's okay, along with the other folkie-type stuff of Joni Mitchell and Judy Collins, but not the type of music I would seek out.  But I did see Joni Mitchell at the Cellar Door in Georgetown back in '68, army pal of mine had a couple of tickets and I figured, why not?  A nice, small club but the cover charge and drink minimum was a little steep for this low ranking GI.  And yes, the crowd tittered when she sang "Both Sides Now."

I don't see anything special about her story.  Musicians and artists were dropping like flies back in the day, as I recall.  Overdoses, suicides, and plain misadventure took their toll, too many to count, and all tragic losses.


Where does the time go?  It went thataway, I think.  As I futz around my apartment, still in the process of bringing order to the chaos, I marvel at the time warp I keep falling into.  There is an astounding amount of stuff that I have that is over fifty years old and it all works like new; cameras, tripods, tools, and all sorts of stuff that just don't seem to wear out if you take decent care of it.  There are hidden treasures, too, books and albums that are bringing good prices on eBay should I ever want to really clean house.  Some people in their advanced years may look back and say, "I wish I didn't get rid of that."  I am not one of those people.


Quite a week in the news, eh?  I thought that Putin was a better strategist than he's turning out to be unless he has unexpected tricks up his sleeve.  One thing I noticed, though: he's putting on weight and looking puffy, not the buff tyrant we were used to seeing.  Is he being medicated for some unknown reason?  I don't know how his popularity in the Motherland is holding up but there are some very unhappy people who are bound to do something about the way things are going.  Even the Swiss are starting to screw around with their assets from what I've read.  But things are moving so quickly that anything I think is moot, for entertainment purposes only.


Computer glitches keep on coming.  One of the HDMI inputs on my TV died and when I used a different input it looked great, until I restarted and got a blue screen which sent me to the BIOS screen, something I've never seen before.  No big deal, just hit the "q" key and restart.  But now I have a problem with Firefox and I can't cut & paste text.  When I hit the CTRL key Firefox just up and closes.  This is quite baffling and forces me to use Chrome which seems to be working well.  So far.  And I still have a problem with the haunted keyboard on the laptop with repeating characters just showing up in text boxes, thousands of them.  Might be time for an upgrade.



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