I believe it is human nature to believe what the last guy told you. That is what they are always saying about a guy who is not so bright, that he believes whatever the last guy told him. Of course that is what they are saying, and really the only reason I know what they are saying is that someone told me that is what they are saying. And for all you know I am maybe not even Uncle Ken maybe I am a Russian bot or maybe I was never even Uncle Ken to begin with but one of those lizard people beneath human skin like in that tv program from many years ago. I mean how can anybody ever know anything?
Well we have been through this before and I was about to go through it all again, which is tiresome because it is long and there are a lot of steps. But then I remembered not too long ago when Beagles posted a photo of Polish soldiers rebuffing Afghan, I think it was, refugees coming across the Belarussian border. I mean that was pretty far away and who knew who took the photo and couldn't everybody in it have been actors? But Beagles expressed no doubt that it was all true, and I had no problem accepting that this was indeed what was going on in a faraway part of the world. Because in general I believe the news as does Beagles, so let us just dispense with this metaphysical how do we ever really know anything bushwa.
That alleged thing is just kind of a polite thing that the papers do for court cases. It does not apply to bald faced political lies. The idea that elections are rigged is poison to a democracy which depends on elections for its legitimacy. It's an obvious falsehood (Just checking, Beagles do you think the 2020 election was rigged?), and it well behooves the press to say so. Although they may be overdoing it a bit, I mean c'mon we know already.
Likewise this vax stuff. The fewer people who wear masks and and get vaxxed the more American citizens die. Isn't it worthwhile to save American lives? Is not the press doing us all a favor by pointing out that guzzling bleach is not going to save you? And to inform the masses that nobody has died from being vaxxed (or maybe a few in extraordinary cases, I don't have time this morning to get on the google) and plenty have died of the covid, most of them people who have not been vaxxed?
Is that not the reason that Beagles got vaxxed? Was not this evidence so clear in front of Beagles' eyes, not equally available to the vax refuseniks? Were not they wrong?
I suppose we could go through all these metaphysical hoops as to how does anybody ever really know anything for sure. But I am not going to. They were and are wrong.
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