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Thursday, January 20, 2022

fun and comfort

 I have a variation on Beagles' adage about getting old and fun.  The older you get the more fun is of less importance than comfort.

Adding up everything from my last opening I think I did come out in the black but I haven't done that in years.  Mounting the paintings, and printing the postcards, and buying the food, costs more than the take.  I am not counting the money for the supplies and the cost of my labor since I would be doing that anyway, show or no show.

Sometimes when I am getting my shit together I am thinking what a pain in the ass, but measured against my day of being a pretty big fish in a pretty little pond (fun), it still comes out ahead of staying home and frittering away my time (comfort).

And memories, you know they are important, sometimes you just wander through your memories, and you never remember all the nights you sat home watching tv, you remember when you sacrificed comfort for fun by like taking trips, and performing something, or just general adventures. 

Watching tv, very comfortable, especially if you have a cat on your lap.  Kind of immobilizing because you hate to dislodge kitty and suffer her unhappy gaze just because you want to go to the bathroom or the refrigerator.  Used to be there wasn't much on tv in the evenings, the history channel was at a grade school level, the science channel didn't have that many good shows so it kept repeating the same ones over and over, I kind of liked the murder channel, but eventually I felt bad because those were all real people who were getting killed.  

So I would be sitting at my keyboard while I was watching and during commercials or really slow parts I would be like looking things up on wiki, maybe doing some little thing on my website.  You know getting things done.

But now I have netflix and amazon prime, and the tv is much better.  But still not all that great.  Used to be that people would say about cable, 100 channels and nothing to watch.  Now I have like a thousand things to watch, but not that much that is very good.  If you are watching something really good that is like doing something.  But if you are watching something that is merely good enough that is just killing time.  And there is not that much time left and I feel bad.  But it is comfortable.

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