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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Boxer speaks and the third insurrection

 First of all we have three comments from our latest author who I believe is working his way up to doing a full-blown post.  Not that the rest of us Authors blow. but just a figure of speech.

For the third comment he has chosen the Institute nom' de plume of Boxer, so now we have three Dawgs.

For the second comment, Thankyewverymuch.

For the first comment thankyewverymuch again and I wonder if the upper part of the background looked like the sky to you, with like dark strings of clouds in front of a reddish sky?  Actually nobody else in my Saturday watercolor class did, but it's not so important, the thing I wanted to do with the stripes getting broader as you go away from the lower left was to make it look more like the murder hornet is approaching you and thus more menacing.

As for that riot vs insurrection thing, what would you call the storming of the Bastille or the Czar's palace?  Isn't this how you begin a revolution?  Certainly the Proud Boys, and likely the Three Percenters, and maybe the Promise Keepers and who knows how many of those weird groups with weird names had something like this as their fondest dream.  At the highest level things get murkier because they are all such a bunch of fucking liars.  Seems like you had this one group who was trying to push Pence to do something he couldn't legally do, and you had Der Sturmper openly calling for the capitol to be sturmed.  So I am sticking with insurrection, but if it makes you happier to call it a riot so be it.

As for a mob, I would have to agree with that.  Probably about half of the sturmers just went there to show off their Maga hats and insult decent people, but then they got caught up in the spirit.

Thinking back to the sixties, I really didn't approve of all that bombing especially when one of those killed a janitor and I happened to be working as a janitor at the time, but when we had our campus demonstrations which were mildly violent (bottles vs tear gas), I often showed up as part of the crowd just to show my support or something.

The guns.  Why did those second amendment swains who feel the need to sling an AK-47 over their shoulders to amble down to the corner Subway to get a footlong baja turkey avocado sandwich, decide to leave their guns at home when they stormed the capitol to hang Mike Spence from the old oak tree?  Well they do stand out like a sore thumbs.  What of handguns?  We really don't know since we had little chance to stop and frisk, also, they likely knew they could get in deep shit for having one and maybe left them at home for that reason.  The cops would have to have been ordered to shoot, and well, tactically it was probably the best decision not to shoot.

It could have been way worse, but that does not mean that it wasn't really, really, really bad.

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