I think we have gone as far as we are going to get on that Einstein thing. Both of us seem to be saying the same things we have said before over and over. No meeting of the minds here. But very well, neither of us is likely to get into a spaceship anytime soon and fly around for awhile and come back looking a little younger than the guy who stayed home.
My classmate Ted Jennings, Beagles may remember him, had a heart murmur, spent the night before the physical banging on his heart. didn't do him any good. I've been going to the same doctor for at least ten years now. Usually I am as fit as a fiddle, well except for high blood pressure and high triglycerides. Somewhere near the end as she is typing stuff into the computer she asks about my smoking and my drinking and makes that sour doctor face when I tell her that they are unchanged. The thing is doubtless Beagles's doc will tell him to quit smoking, but then all doctors will always tell all patients, heart murmur or no heart murmur, to stop smoking.
In the days of our youth the ads hinted that the doc would say, "Those cigarettes you're smoking are too harsh. Switch to Chesterfield's they are smoother." and he'd pull out his pack and offer one to the patient and they'd both light up and enjoy that smooth Chesterfield taste, but I don't reckon that happens anymore.
Anyway besides telling you to quit smoking the doc may have some other things he can help you out on, and maybe he will spot a suspicious mole or something and things could be nipped in the bud. And likely he will give you a little pat on the back for having your covid shots.
I thought here, in the enlightened big city, that wouldn't be a problem, but when I asked my Doc about it she shook her head sadly.
These apologists, these southern govs who are all in favor of people getting vaccines, but recoil in horror at the idea of mandates, are, well basically full of shit. I saw one on tv last morning whining about how insulting the unvaxxed by calling them stupid is not going to get them to be vaxxed, and that's probably true, but then nothing is going to convince them to do it, and meanwhile they run around and spread the delta to their friends and neighbors and also even to us who have been vaxxed. You know what. We used to make people go into the army though we don't anymore, but we do make them pay their taxes, and that's what we ought to do now, and I am glad Joe is moving in that direction.
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