"If you click on your flashlight two observers at different distances, and all traveling at about the same speed relative to each other, will see the light at different times. The closer guy will see it before the more distant guy, because the speed of light will be constant for both guys."
I thought so too, but I have heard from several sources that they both see the light at the same time. I think the video we were talking about had something in there about it but, as you say, you can't quote a video like you can quote the printed word. I believe it was another video from the Teaching Company (great courses on tape) where I first encountered this problem. I've got it on a DVD somewhere, but it would be very time consuming to find it and locate the exact quote on it, and then I wouldn't have any way to post it. I tried to find it on Wiki tonight, but was unable. I think my best bet would be to watch the video again and note how far into it the information appears, if indeed it does appear. Other than that, I'll just have to keep my eye out and make a note of it the next time it pops up.
"Having perfect knowledge of every atom, including its speed, it is possible to recreate a brand new Mercedes from that pile of metal."
That "perfect knowledge" thing sounds interesting. Where would I get some of that? The only thing that immediately comes to mind is a Biblical quote from First Corinthians, Chapter 13:
"For our prophesy is imperfect and our knowledge is imperfect but, when the Perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away."
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