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Monday, September 20, 2021

culinary tips

 For many years my winter chow was ramen noodles with maybe half bag of frozen Brussel sprouts and a half  bag of frozen string beans.  Not always those two vegetables, but generally two different bags of frozen vegetables and I liked it just fine.  But maybe ten years ago I made the switch to fresh vegetables and I like them even better.

It may be true that frozen and fresh have the same vitamins, but in taste and texture I find the fresh veggies more than worth the extra time it takes to chop them up.  I make a ritual of it, chopping them while watching America's Funniest Home Videos on Sunday nights.  I never get tired of watching people fall down, but I cringe at the sight of all those cute babies.

Speaking of culinary stuff.  For summer chow I cut up some bell peppers (while watching AFHV of course), cook them with diced tomatoes and jalapenos, add a couple cans of chili beans, a can of corn and a can of garbonzos, pickled jalapenos to taste, and there you have it.  Then I eat that four days a week, and I am like the dog in the cartoon watching his master shaking the goop out of the can and thinking excitedly, "Oh Boy dog food again!"

So glad to hear the hypothetical wife liked my story.  Too me it is hilarious, but you never know how other people will react.  If I am reading it this Wednesday night and the audience is just sitting there and wondering what got into this crazy old coot and not laughing, I will be mighty embarrassed.

I don't remember if I read all those wiki things Beagles presented.  The fact is that I have read this stuff on the internet and in books for years, and I know I will agree with everything they say.

But they never say that time speeds up.  It doesn't make any mathematical sense.  It's like saying space speeds up.  But these are just words and if Beagles chooses them to make sense of something which is contrary to common sense, then I will allow it.  

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