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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What's Going on in Chicago?

I understand that it's not just in Chicago, it's in cities all over the country, but I know a couple of guys in Chicago and I don't know people in cities all over the country, so let's hear it from our men in the field.  Uncle Ken recently reported that the Chicago police were threatening a "slowdown" in response to the prospect of having their funding reduced.  Did that ever come to pass?  If so, do you think it's a contributing factor? 

Weeding is not nearly as much fun as planting and harvesting, but it needs to be done if you want anything substantial to harvest.  I used to stay on top of the weeds early on, but tended to neglect them once the plants grew taller than the weeds.  If I had it to do over again, I think I would plant less and weed more.  In a good year we frequently harvested more than we could use and ended up giving most of it away anyway.  We grew a lot of acorn squash in our first garden because we planted all the seeds that came in the packet.  Somebody recommended it because it was easy to grow, which it was.  We canned a whole bunch of it and ate it for years afterwards, never seeing the need to plant squash again.  To this day we only eat squash once or twice a year when our neighbor gives us some, and we never buy it in the store.  The moral of the story is:  Better to plant stuff that you already like and learn to grow it than to plant stuff that's easy to grow and learn to like it.

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