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Thursday, July 2, 2020

Deborah Harry turns 75

One of the reasons democracy has largely failed in Africa is that each tribe forms its own party, and the tribe with the most people wins every election.  The reason it works better here in America is that people cross the color line to vote for who they think is the best man, well it is a little more complicated than that, but still in general.  Per Beagles we can see that black people crossed that line to vote for a white guy.  Worse than being denied a right to vote most of the Indians lost their very lives.  The comparison between the destruction of the Indians and blacks becoming the majority in Detroit is ludicrous.

What is important in fighting the corona is not total deaths but what the current growth rate is.  This is an example of a non sequitur, making a remark that is not germane to the issue at hand.  Arguing with Beagles about corona I have been barraged by them. and it's exhausting and makes me start out the day with anger and I will no longer be discussing the issue.  The news is making my argument better than I can anyway.

I think at some point I just stopped discussing those caravans that were going to destroy America and I was a happier man for that.

Yesterday morning as I was sitting down to begin blogging the radio announced that Deborah Harry was 75.  75.  Deborah Harry.  Of course I turned 75 three months ago, but I didn't have those good looks to lose.  It's a shame.

Tearing these statues down I don't get it.  Changing the names of those forts named after Confederates, I don't get that either.  Who even knew who they were named after before this whole thing.  And in a way they are playing into the hands of the Man, because it's easy to lose a pigeon encrusted statue in the park, but much harder to reform police.

The head of the Chicago police union, this Catanzara is now urging the cops to take it slow in reaction to this defunding stuff.  Aren't we Chicagoans paying their salaries?  Who the fuck is the boss here?  All the more reason to defund.

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